Make better decisions with our cart API

Get access to valuable shopping cart data to improve your business

Arm yourself with actionable data

The BigCommerce cart API gives you direct access to your shopping cart, letting you make better marketing and merchandising decisions, build unique capabilities, and customize your site.

Full access to cart data

Get an in-depth view of your business with the ability to see what customers have in their carts.

Build new features

We offer more granular access to data than other SaaS platforms, allowing you to build custom tools and functionality for analytics, pricing, cart contents, customer info and checkout.

Customized carts

Our cart API also lets you personalize your shopping cart experience with custom abandonment tools, coupons and discounts, taxes and shipping, and more.

What can you build with our cart API?

Abandoned cart integrations

Connect your cart to your marketing platform to power custom abandoned cart programs.

Cart analytics

Get insightful data from your abandoned carts, even for shoppers who aren’t logged in.

CRM integrations

Integrate with CRM software like HubSpot and Bronto to build customer profiles with shopping and order history.

B2B features

Create the features you need for business-to-business sales, such as custom quote generation and invoicing.

Targeted marketing

Use abandoned cart data to build remarketing campaigns for email, banner and social media ads, and more.

Start using our cart API

Get access to valuable shopping cart data to improve your business

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